Volunteer Photographer
Recently I was offered the opportunity to be a Camp Quality Volunteer Photographer at a Camp Quality ‘Middle Camp’ at Currimundi on the Sunshine Coast.
It is always a touching to meet the amazing children and volunteers that participate in these types of events. Not only are the children incredibly brave, positive and inspiring, but I was also struck by the incredible camaraderie of all the volunteers present.
You can make a difference too!
The volunteers were obviously having as much fun as the kids and making a huge difference in the lives of these young people.
I was compelled to ask them about their experiences as volunteers. These volunteers make it possible for children living with cancer or living with someone close to them that has cancer, to have time out and fun and receive a boost to their lives.
It’s a very special thing to do and I encourage anyone out there that has ever wanted to do something really meaningful with their lives and their spare time, to help the children and families from Camp Quality.
So why volunteer? Lets ask Blaize.
Blaize is a 24 year old tradie from Logan who’s family has been touched by cancer, he has volunteered with Camp Quality for just over a year.
He joined because he wanted to help kids. “the kids have been through a lot of difficult times” and he wanted to help be part of allowing them to experience fun and interesting challenges and to give something back.
The best part of the camps for Blaize is seeing the kids faces light up when they manage to achieve something they have never tried before.
Some kids arrive quite shy and the camp helps them come out of their shell and builds their confidence.
Blaize loved the experience so much that he has helped out at 5 camps already in this first year of volunteering.
He is working on a challenge of his own at the moment… The Camp Quality
“Live Laugh Ride Challenge”
a mammoth 5 day bike ride that will vary between 50km and 75km per day through Cambodia and Vietnam and then 2 days of community service helping build a house for a disadvantaged family.
Can you help Blaize in his mission?
He wants to raise $3500 and is just under $2000 so far!
You can help Camp Quality by sponsoring Blaize at this web page.
Margherita :)
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