Including Dogs In Your Family Portraits

love of petsFamily portraits are an incredible opportunity to get your whole family together and have fun laughing and relaxing. One of the most amazing ways to make this a fun time for everyone is to bring your family pet, especially if it is a dog. Including dogs in your family portraits is an excellent way to help your entire family relax. I can capture some of the most natural reactions such as your children laughing with the dog and you smiling as you hug and pat your dear pooch. This is such a wonderful idea :)  That’s a great idea to include your dogs in your family portraits.

Why Should You Have Your Dogs In Your Family Portraits?

It is quite simple; you will be able to capture your family in an incredibly relaxed state, while also getting an opportunity to take a photograph with your dogs. I truly believe that dogs are one of the most important parts of our families; they are our friends, furry babies, and allies. There is nothing quite so loyal as a pup. I’ve captured several clients with their dogs, including one family who had a gorgeous, older three-legged dog. The family was able to take a great series of photographs with their dog Elvis, and later the family told me just how important those photographs were to them. Sadly, Elvis passed away shortly after the photographs, but the family had great photos with him, and these photos helped them to remember him and remember all of the fun times they had with this dear dog. 

In fact, I wish that I had included my sweet 12-year-old Dobermann in my family portraits before he passed away. I have several stunning photographs of him by himself and great photographs with my children, but I do not have any including him with all of us. This is something I know many families will realize they wish they had when their dear friend and family member passes, making it incredibly important to include your dogs in your family portraits.

Dogs In Your Family PortraitsTip: Bring Your Dog Early

Now that you can see how important it can be to include your dogs in your family portraits, you might be wondering how to calm them down for the portraits. One great suggestion I always give to my clients is to get to the location well before the session, and give your dog the opportunity to run all around. This allows your dog to sniff new things, and get their general excitement out of their system before the portraits start. Once I get there, the dogs will be calm and give us the ability to take some stunning photographs of you and your family with your dog or dogs. 

In Closing

If you have a beloved family pooch that you would love to include in your family portraits, contact me and we can chat about amazing locations for your family. We could go to a local park or even a beach. I will be happy to give you other pointers for working with your dog and getting some of the best family photographs for you.

Talk soon,

Margherita :)

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