Photographs with Horses: The Perfect Family Portraits

photos-petHorses are an incredible lifestyle achievement that many of my clients have made. They are gorgeous, majestic animals that add something truly amazing to your life, and even add an amazing touchto photographs. Getting photographs with horses is a great way to capture these beauties with you and your family enjoying the great outdoors together. Let’s take a look at just why these photos are perfect for your summer or fall portraits!

  1. You Will Get Outside with Your Horses and Family

Everyone that has horses will naturally be someone who enjoys the great outdoors. When you get photographs with horses, you get the chance to head out there and enjoy the day with your family. I love capturing images of people riding their horses together with dogs running around. It creates such a gorgeous, classic image and everyone just has a grand time. 

  1. Countryside Photographs with Horses Are Gorgeous

Some of my favourite photographs with horses are those that capture the gorgeous Australian countryside. I’ve photographed families with their horses out at their farms or in various countryside locations where the animals can run. If you have a favourite place to take your horses, then we can head that way and capture stunning images that will be your pride and joy; along with your horses, of course! 

  1. Beach Photographs Can Be Extremely Fun for Everyone

Something that I think is absolutely gorgeous is when horses are on the beach –flowing manes, running along the sand with the water in the background, and relaxed riders; simply stunning! If you want to get photographs with horses, then I think a beach scene is something that will be perfect. The photos will be gorgeous, and something you will adore for years to come. Imagine all of those relaxed, happy smiles and the great memories you will be making! 

  1. Get Family Photographs at Your Home

One of the best photographs with horses is when you are at your home. As I said earlier, many people with horses have farms or at least some amazing acreage to allow the horses to run. I once photographed a family where they rode their horses along their land and posed with them, and I was able to capture this family’s house in the background. It became a session they were immensely proud of, and they’ve hung those images in their home. This gives you the chance to not only get great family photographs but also to capture images of your gorgeous home with your amazing animals. 

  1. Provides the Chance for Natural, Relaxed Photos

When you take photographs with your horses, you will notice that the session is amazingly relaxed. Something I’ve done with clients is having them pose along the fence line with their horses peeking over the top. I’ve had the family lean on the gate, and that always provides a relaxed, happy feel to every image. You simply cannot feel stressed when you’re leaning on a fence. All images come out amazing and natural, which is something we all want in our family photographs, isn’t it?

Do you have horses and want to get some stunning photographs taken with them? Then give me a call and we can chat about locations and ideas! I love working with animals, especially horses and want to help you capture some incredible memories with these majestic animals. Let’s meet up and we can plan some incredible ideas for your family photographs with your horses.

Talk soon,

Margherita :)

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