Many families place a high importance on taking photos of their kids and other loved ones, but they rarely do anything with these photos. Most of the photos are digital. They sit on a hard drive without getting printed or even backed up. It’s nice to have a few photos to look at right now, but these precious photos may not be around in five years, much less 20 or 30 years when you want to show them to your children or grandchildren.
Preserving your memories
While professional family portraits don’t solve the entire problem of preserving the digital photo library, they do offer memory insurance. Kids grow up quickly, parents and grandparents pass away, and everyone is growing and changing, often so rapidly you don’t even realise it until you look back on photos from six months ago. Portraits help you save these fleeting moments and preserve the memories. It’s important to have these memories for yourself but also for future generations who want to understand who they are and where they came from. A future granddaughter who may not look anything like her parents will feel a spark of connection when she sees a great-grandmother who has the exact same eyes or smile.
Gathering your family
Of course, one of the trickiest parts of family portraits is getting everyone together in the same place at the same time, especially as the kids grow up. Many families bemoan the fact that in all of the family pictures they do have, there is always someone missing or one of the kids isn’t looking at the camera. It may be a hassle to hire a professional photographer for your next portrait session, but it also helps you commit to the notion. With a date and time set, you’ll follow through with your decision. Even if you have to reschedule the session once or twice, getting everyone in the photos is so precious. When you see the final results, you’ll be so glad you and your family made the effort.
Focusing on the fun element of the day together
As you prepare for your upcoming family portrait session, remember it will be a fun opportunity to spend time with your loved ones without having to designate one family member as the photographer. With the right photographer who puts everyone at ease, the day will be straightforward and stress free. The 20 or 30 minute session will fly by with family members laughing and joking the whole time. Instead of a dreaded chore, you’ll look forward to the chance to bond with your loved ones during these rare moments as an entire family.
Selecting an ideal setting
Choosing a location that’s meaningful to your family further puts everyone at ease and adds to the emotion of the photographs. For example, maybe when the kids were growing up, you always spent Saturday mornings in the summer together at the local beach. Returning to the beach when your children are in high school or Uni brings back those cherished memories. Your photographer will have no trouble capturing natural, relaxed expressions as family members retell favourite stories and enjoy being in the familiar spot again.
Ordering and framing prints
Once you’ve invested in a professional family portrait session, you’re more likely to follow through with ordering and framing the prints. Most people never print, much less frame, their personal digital photos, letting thousands of photos back up on the hard drive. When you don’t take the time to cull your photos, it’s all but impossible to find favourite shots again later. Ordering and framing your new family portraits right away ensures you don’t lose your treasured photos in the digital abyss of your massive hard drive. Many professional photographers are happy to help their clients choose frames for their new shots and even assist with hanging them in their homes.
The power of having family portraits hanging on the wall is hard to appreciate until you experience it for yourself. Kids love seeing photos of themselves and will discuss these photos with family and friends for years to come. They also serve as a natural talking point for parents when new friends or out of town relatives come to visit. Knowing that your parents took the time to have the entire family photographed in a favourite setting helps children feel loved and as though they belong within their family.
They hold special place for many families.
Talk soon,
Margherita :)
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